

This website stores the publicly available digital outline zoning plan (OZP) data from Town Planning Board (TPB). Data of statutory plans in force on and after mid-2019 are available. Guidelines and manuals of using this website are availble in this blog.

Important Note: Original data provided by Town Planning Board. You are deemed to have agreed to be bound unconditionally by the Terms and Conditions of Use of the digital planning data. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE, DO NOT USE THIS WEB PAGE. Please read the Terms and Conditions as well as Guidelines before using the data.

Disclaimer: Data for reference only. This website is not liable for any error, omission, misstatement or misrepresentation concerning the Data. This website will also not have any liability, obligation or responsibility or any loss, destruction or damage in respect of using, misusing, inability to use, or relying on the Data. Users are responsible for making their own assessment of all information concerned.

Last revision date: {{config.lastUpdate}}

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